A Heathen's Perspective

From politics to media, from music to spiritual matters, and from obscure issues to the latest hot button topics, comes the blabber from a true heathen, without regard to the breaking wind of socially-acceptable attitudes, yet with an almost sacred devotion to humor in the face of today's polarized, shout-down-your-opponents climate of fear and intimidation. Original content is copyright 2001-2006, The Heathen Monk. All rights reserved.

Location: Austin, Texas, United States

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Stephen Pizzo's Piece in Alternet

It's fun to read a nice, concise look at the Drugstore Cowboy. The danger of his idiocy. The shame of his ruination of American foreign policy. I don't have anything to add here, I just hope you'll click your way to Stephen Pizzo's piece, "Forrest Gump's Evil Twin" at Alternet:

Click Here to Read All About It


AND, with thanks to Cousin Chris for the heads up, here's Rolling Stone's cover story:


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Medicaid Schmedicaid

Oh, what a loverly Easter Gift The Boy has given to America's poorest of the poor. The "Deficit Reduction Act." Yes, older, mostly African-American and Native American folks will soon be required to provide things like birth certificates and other documentation just to continue being eligible for Medicaid. Surely, our poor and/or homeless people ALWAYS carry their passports and birth certificates with them wherever they go!

With a heads up from Slate, here's an excerpt from Robert Pear's piece in today's New York Times:


Under the law, the Deficit Reduction Act, states cannot receive federal Medicaid money unless they verify citizenship by checking documents like passports and birth certificates for people who receive or apply for Medicaid.

In a draft letter providing guidance to state officials, the Bush administration says, "An applicant or recipient who does not cooperate with the requirement to present documentary evidence of citizenship may be denied eligibility or terminated" from Medicaid.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal research and advocacy group, estimates that three million to five million low-income citizens on Medicaid could find their coverage at risk because they do not have birth certificates or passports.


full article: Medicaid Hurdle For Immigrants May Hurt Others

Copyright 2006, The New York Times Co. All rights reserved. Used here for contextual purposes only.


So, now the States and all the hospitals and nursing homes have a brand new layer of paperwork to wade through. And all in the name of "deficit reduction." And THIS is what we call "compassionate conservatism?" Like hell it is! Bush, his buddies, and everyone on Capitol Hill who voted for the damn thing should cancel their government-funded health insurance, sell off their assets until they become eligible for medicaid and medicare, and see how the other half lives...and dies.

Shame on this sham of a government. They deserve to be removed from office, one by one, and the sooner the better. If trying to prevent "illegal aliens" from applying for medicaid you instead put up impossible roadblocks for legal citizens to get the help they need and used to get, our government has shown its ass, and let me tell you, that is one UGLY ass! Pffffffft!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Dark Moment, if You Please

Global warming, the internal combustion engine, coal, and other forms of generating electrical power. Pitiful attempts at creating hybrid cars that help in miniscule ways to cut down on fossil fuel production. And that's just here in America and across Europe. What does the future hold?

Seems simple enough. As we work to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels, China, India, Pakistan, and others are growing at alarming rates, and of course they'll be sucking up as much oil as they can to improve their economies and automotive mobility. They'll also be searching for deals with Iran and others so that they can trade expertise on nuclear technology in return for favored deals on oil. It's entirely possible that these emerging nations will overwhelm greenhouse gasses to the point where our attempts at weaning ourselves from oil will more or less be pointless over the long run.

Increased global competition, along with South American oil finds, and coastal African oil finds, will continue to raise the price of oil. And of course those profits go directly to fundamentalist Middle Eastern countries with no incentive to play ball with the West, while the windfall profits play directly into new nuclear technologies, as in the case of Iran, surrounded by American troops, and Israel's nuclear weapons program. Not to mention funding radical Moslem fundamentalist agendas. And guess what? We're footing the bill.

And so, with America dragging its heels on moving towards hydrogen-powered vehicles, and at least biodiesel stop-gap measures, not to mention mass transportation, by the time we're seriously less dependent on fossil fuels, the rest of the developing world will be filling the atmosphere with more and more unregulated dirty fuels.

Do we have the luxury of time in which to save our own atmosphere? Probably not, in today's climate. So, keep a close eye on the medium term as to global warming and radical climate changes. Sorry to say, we may be on the losing side when it comes to saving our own species on this planet. Although I feel sure the planet will survive, I won't be surprised it the planet decides to chew us up and spit us out in order to preserve what's left of the Earth. "Free will" and the arrogance available to promote it in so many distorted forms remains a fundamentally strong urge for human beings. Making the planet intolerable for our species is a real possibllty in the next century. And it may be unavoidable. Time will tell. Our obvious disdain and many serious mistakes do not, in my judgment, bode well for our children in the next 50 years. Our absence, leaving them with monumental problems of climate and the pollution of our own creation is hardly a gift for the future of the human race. We oughta be ashamed, but we're not. We just continue to exacerbate the problem, and emerging nations are hungry to do so exponentially. It's a dark picture from where I stand. One that once was avoidable, but now may be too far gone to make any real difference. In truth, the planet may, in the long run, be better without us. And that's a sorry state of affairs.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Son Of "Tales From the Archives!"

Yes, I admit it. A fine bout with authentic melancholia blossomed over the past few months, and among the last things I've been capable of imagining has been to put a string of sentences together that might amuse and make some sense to myself, much less to you, dear reader. And so, allow me to lazily throw a couple of stinky old nuggets your way as I try my best to regain my wits, won' t you?

By request, a sentimental favorite:

Through the Eyes of a Ten-Year-Old, 1960

From last November, for all you Tom DeCay, The "Hummer" gloaters out there:

Blood In the Water

And in a lighter vein, from last February:

Puddles Gets a Press Pass!

OH! And I'd be a bad uncle if I didn't link you to The Grand Moff's recent post:

When Drooling Superstitious Freaks Attack

(a tasty lil' ol' excerpt that's copyright 2006, Grand Moff Texan, All Rights Reserved):


"This is just like the phony "War on Chist-mas/ians" crap. Crackerstan is useful to the right and the right has an awful lot of news to distract Crackerstan from, so they have to tell Crackerstan that they're under attack. There's nothing left of the right except a convulsive twitch and the people who know how to use it."


And now, if ya pleez, I'm off to have a couple of double Crown on the Rox, and drive to my weekly electro-shock therapy outpatient excursion! Hmmm...I wonder what's worse - drinking and driving BEFORE day shock therapy or after? I'll let ya know...

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