A Heathen's Perspective

From politics to media, from music to spiritual matters, and from obscure issues to the latest hot button topics, comes the blabber from a true heathen, without regard to the breaking wind of socially-acceptable attitudes, yet with an almost sacred devotion to humor in the face of today's polarized, shout-down-your-opponents climate of fear and intimidation. Original content is copyright 2001-2006, The Heathen Monk. All rights reserved.

Location: Austin, Texas, United States

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Monday, April 18, 2005

"Justice Sunday" - Let the Blowhards Blow Themselves Down

You might have seen or heard about the Jimmy Swaggart-style mega-church gathering planned for April 24th called Justice Sunday. Besides the nice blown-up pic thanks to DailyKos, you might enjoy reading what the New York Times Editorial Board has to say about Billy Bob Frist's Religious War. Yes, the "medical doctor" who looked at a few minutes of old videotape and declared that Terri Schiavo wasn't brain-dead, the Sawbones Senator who couldn't admit that HIV can't be transmitted through tears or sweat, will be one of the speakers (by video), along with that moral man of WaterGate, Chuck Colson, at this beloved Convention of The Believers! Again I say, let 'em holler! Go, Bill, Go! Show your ignorant ass to the entire American electorate!

Our country was taken away from us when the Supremes short-circuited the 2000 election. They cemented their power with the mid-term elections of 2002. And with the help of privatized voting and the "mysterious" voting results from Ohio in 2004, completed the capture of government by the Corporations, for the Corporations, and of the major Institutional Corporate Shareholders. But with the newly-found swagger of The Boy following his election in 2004, we've seen a pre-planned overreaching that warms my heart.

Social Security DeForm: People don't get it, don't like it, don't believe The Boy's bullshit.

Terri Schiavo: People didn't fall for the grandstanding play made by those who would hold the King James Bible up with one hand while wiping their bottoms with the Constitution.

Activist Judges: Anyone who checks will find that over 90 per cent of BoyGeorge's nominated judges have been approved, unlike the stonewalling during the Clinton years, and that the somewhere between 7 and 10 judges he's already nominated are now up for re-nomination in order to stop the commie-pinko judges ruining this Christian country!

Personally, I hope everyone who digs for the truth will continue to work towards exposing these idiots for what they are. But the facts since 2000 show that many Americans have fallen for the branding and the lying rhetoric of these blowhards. However, when issues begin to hit home, like the Schiavo case and Social Security, people sit up and take notice. Hey, this might affect MY life! You betcha! So keep on with your agenda, Bill and Tom and all you holier-than-thou hypocrites. It ain't workin' - and to me, that's a good sign. A very good sign. How many Americans in the "red states" have watched while Wal-Mart destroyed their town squares, building outside the city limits to avoid paying taxes? How many have watched Big AgriBusiness put them out of business? How many have heard the empty words of "prosperity" while they and their spouses work 2 and 3 jobs, lose their pensions and their health insurance? Might I suggest many more "red staters" than your polls might demonstrate?

So, as progressives keep up the good fight, and a few folks like Barbara Boxer actually stand up against the thugs now in charge of YOUR government, I say let the BlowHards Blow Themselves Up! In my textaplay "The Day Karl Slimed Krist" I included a scene with a battle stations alert coupled with a big red sign above the stage that read "DEMOCRATS ARE THE AGENTS OF THE DEVIL!." By golly, that was set in 2006. But here's Doctor Bill calling Democrats "against people of faith" in 2005. Why must we "choose between public service and faith in Christ?" We mustn't, Bill. We don't have to, Bill. This country is not yet the theocracy you obviously dream of. And face it, soon there will be no white majority in this country. The melting pot will indeed be made up of many ethnic, religious, and diverse individuals and families. Your cry is that of a dangerous, wounded animal. And that fact is one to be treated with respect. Respect for one's own self preservation. So go right ahead and holler to the rooftops! Christ is on your side! The Christ you've defined and claim to speak on behalf of. In my opinion, Christ would be ashamed to know that fools like you are taken seriously by anyone looking for an honest answer in their own quest for faith. So enjoy "Just Us Sunday," Bill. And keep those radical right hot buttons coming! They serve only to expose your own empty shell of a public servant who's sold out so completely he's become the laughing stock of BOTH the medical community AND members of Congress who still know how to hold two conflicting thoughts in their minds at the same time.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Going Radical to Make the Right Seem Reasonable

I've been offline for more than a week. With the AlterNet Forums closing down, and the potential splintering of what I consider to be an extremely valuable source for research, debate, and links to other sources for testing the voracity of arguments made by our regular and new users, I threw up my hands at yet another Web community's possible demise in the face of budgetary decisions made by the Independent Media Institute based, in my opinion, on ignoring the value of this community's contributions to the examination of ongoing issues, as well as its vibrant social community, sent packing in its search for holding the community together as they tried to find a new home for the Forums.

Well, the kidz DID FIND A NEW HOME FOR THE OLD ALTERNET FORUMS, and you'll find it here: NEVER GIVE UP. But enough about that. Before I begin my own search for the holier-than-thou hypocrites' latest claims to the late Pope's embrace of the "culture of life," allow me to posit what may be the strategy behind the recent talking points travesty by Pete Domenici, Scott McClellan, and others, in their attempt to capitalize on the 24/7 weeklong coverage of the Pope's funeral on the heels of the Terri Schiavo case.

Claiming "Freedom" and "The Culture of Life" as the late Pope's legacy in the face of his opposition to the death penalty and unequivocal rejection of the War in Iraq.

Tom DeCay's claims of "murder...being committed against a defenseless American citizen" (Mrs. Schiavo), his threat to "activist judges" in light of his growing ethics charges, and John Cornholyn's amazing claim that a criminal rape/murder trial in Atlanta that ended with murder was proof that activist judges build up an urge to commit violence against judges, present the Radical perspective, in my opinion, as a way to energize their agenda for the "right to lifers" tossing them some red meat to further demonize the liberals in Congress. Perhaps it works this way: In light of the Schiavo Case and the convoluted perversion of the Pope's life's work, they portray an out of control judiciary as we move toward re-nominating the unqualifed, extreme conservative judges BoyGeorge plans to re-nominate this year. And by doing so the radical right has positioned itself to negotiate with the "compassionate, moderate" conservatives who pretend to bring a reasonable selection process to the judicial confirmation hearings. Thus making the "culture of life" nominees seem more reasonable to the electorate, while installing already defeated nominees in a more thoughtful light. This ploy to go radical, followed by a seemingly sensible compromise in order to push these ideologues into our judicial system is an effective media play just waiting for Delay, Frist, and others' pontification on the "rigid" agenda of the "liberal elites" and their attempt to stop "honest judges" from taking the bench.


It's an old trick. It stinks. The threats by DeCay and Cornholyn border on treason, and the American people need to see through this cynical game by a small minority of pro-lifers and the fundamental Evangelical/Charismatic base the Republicans are playing to like the whores they are. My advice? Click the "Sites Worth a Visit" icon, stream C-Span, check out Bill Frist and Tom DeLay, The Lord's Lifesavers, keep an ear to the proceedings, and start an email swarm as well as pressure on your Senators as we move through this second-time-around nomination of judges who've already proved through their records that they hold a firm belief in the "culture of life." If not, women's rights, abortion rights, and the very ability to dissent against this bizarre movement to the far right may become a lost cause.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

AlterNet Closes Down the Forums

In a surprising move, AlterNet has decided to shut down the AlterNet Forums and go instead with a story-by-story comments-based system for visitor interaction. After years of building a unique community with the Forums, one that continues to be cited by others across the Web, this move will effectively short-circuit an undervalued part of AlterNet that's gone unnoticed by many. As one of the hosts of the Forums, I've been privileged to see them in action, sometimes in real time, and in those rare moments, the Forums have had a real and immediate effect on people's lives. It's been an honor for me to have been a small part of the equation there. Valossa, my original sponsor, remains a good friend and confidante. Don Freidkin, our community manager, is a flat-out genius as far as I'm concerned. Tom Elliot, Trina, Mik, Cristina, Dori, Scoop, ZoeZoe, Luaz, and everyone I've "met" at the Forums have touched my life during these last couple of years there.

We're hoping to find some server space for a kind of "Best Of the Forums" in the coming days, as well as a way to archive the existing Forums so that they won't eventually turn into dead links for all of you who've linked to various posts as references in your own research. In the event you have any trouble finding what remains of our community, please feel free to bookmark this page and return here for any updated links and directions as soon as I have a clear idea of the community's future.

Finally, thanks to AlterNet, in spite of my position against closing the Forums. You made them happen in the first place. Your new feature, Peek - the Blog of Blogs, and the coming Echo Chamber, will certainly enhance your presence on the Web. And you continue to be the premier clearinghouse for alternative news, as well as thoughtful editorials from the progressive Wing of the Web. The very best of luck to you.

Tranny (aka HMonk)

The AlterNet Forums Have Moved
The new home for our community is now located at CafeUtne.org. The Forum's title is "Never Give Up forum - Working to fix the world." You'll find it here: ALTERNET FORUMS NEW HOME. You may have to re-register (free) in order to post comments as before at AlterNet. Hopefully you've bookmarked this page in order to find our community again. Please email any community members who may have had trouble finding our new home. Thanks.

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