A Heathen's Perspective

From politics to media, from music to spiritual matters, and from obscure issues to the latest hot button topics, comes the blabber from a true heathen, without regard to the breaking wind of socially-acceptable attitudes, yet with an almost sacred devotion to humor in the face of today's polarized, shout-down-your-opponents climate of fear and intimidation. Original content is copyright 2001-2006, The Heathen Monk. All rights reserved.

Location: Austin, Texas, United States

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Going Radical to Make the Right Seem Reasonable

I've been offline for more than a week. With the AlterNet Forums closing down, and the potential splintering of what I consider to be an extremely valuable source for research, debate, and links to other sources for testing the voracity of arguments made by our regular and new users, I threw up my hands at yet another Web community's possible demise in the face of budgetary decisions made by the Independent Media Institute based, in my opinion, on ignoring the value of this community's contributions to the examination of ongoing issues, as well as its vibrant social community, sent packing in its search for holding the community together as they tried to find a new home for the Forums.

Well, the kidz DID FIND A NEW HOME FOR THE OLD ALTERNET FORUMS, and you'll find it here: NEVER GIVE UP. But enough about that. Before I begin my own search for the holier-than-thou hypocrites' latest claims to the late Pope's embrace of the "culture of life," allow me to posit what may be the strategy behind the recent talking points travesty by Pete Domenici, Scott McClellan, and others, in their attempt to capitalize on the 24/7 weeklong coverage of the Pope's funeral on the heels of the Terri Schiavo case.

Claiming "Freedom" and "The Culture of Life" as the late Pope's legacy in the face of his opposition to the death penalty and unequivocal rejection of the War in Iraq.

Tom DeCay's claims of "murder...being committed against a defenseless American citizen" (Mrs. Schiavo), his threat to "activist judges" in light of his growing ethics charges, and John Cornholyn's amazing claim that a criminal rape/murder trial in Atlanta that ended with murder was proof that activist judges build up an urge to commit violence against judges, present the Radical perspective, in my opinion, as a way to energize their agenda for the "right to lifers" tossing them some red meat to further demonize the liberals in Congress. Perhaps it works this way: In light of the Schiavo Case and the convoluted perversion of the Pope's life's work, they portray an out of control judiciary as we move toward re-nominating the unqualifed, extreme conservative judges BoyGeorge plans to re-nominate this year. And by doing so the radical right has positioned itself to negotiate with the "compassionate, moderate" conservatives who pretend to bring a reasonable selection process to the judicial confirmation hearings. Thus making the "culture of life" nominees seem more reasonable to the electorate, while installing already defeated nominees in a more thoughtful light. This ploy to go radical, followed by a seemingly sensible compromise in order to push these ideologues into our judicial system is an effective media play just waiting for Delay, Frist, and others' pontification on the "rigid" agenda of the "liberal elites" and their attempt to stop "honest judges" from taking the bench.


It's an old trick. It stinks. The threats by DeCay and Cornholyn border on treason, and the American people need to see through this cynical game by a small minority of pro-lifers and the fundamental Evangelical/Charismatic base the Republicans are playing to like the whores they are. My advice? Click the "Sites Worth a Visit" icon, stream C-Span, check out Bill Frist and Tom DeLay, The Lord's Lifesavers, keep an ear to the proceedings, and start an email swarm as well as pressure on your Senators as we move through this second-time-around nomination of judges who've already proved through their records that they hold a firm belief in the "culture of life." If not, women's rights, abortion rights, and the very ability to dissent against this bizarre movement to the far right may become a lost cause.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another excellent entry!

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great piece heathen. i thought that this was going to be the tactic for the democratic progressives? they were tossing the idea out of framing their strategies/ideologies appealing to the moderate right. guess these guys beat them to it...at least so far.

time to put pen to paper and hit CC on my emails, as you`ve suggested, and drop the government a few strong, but kind words of a firm nature! peace, bunkie.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By George, I bet you're right! Amazing, aren't they? CV

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cornholyn! Tee hee - thought it must be a typo! Sounds like what's being done (still) to the American people!

10:40 AM  
Blogger Jane Hamsher said...

He will never be anything but Cornholyn to me again!

Good post. Don't worry about Blogshares -- I took a hit because a big site linked to me & it got picked up as a blog roll (it wasn't), so when it dropped off the page it looked like I'd lost a huge one. I've been slacking for a couple weeks due to work but I will begin working aggressively on my promotion campaign again soon -- I keep hoping someone will decide to sell now that the price is low so I can pick up shares! (I made a TON of $ on DC Media Girl & would love to spend it on mine!)

10:59 PM  

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