A Heathen's Perspective

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Frank Rich Wishes You & Yours the Very Best of Holidaze Wishes!

I knew it, I knew it! I've been keeping my fingers crossed, and sure enough, Frank Rich wrote on OpEd piece for the New York Times, exposing the "myth of the war on Christmas." Not only that, but the excerpt below includes a text link to Michelle Goldberg's piece at www.salon.com. Who could ask for more than that on this, the holiest of days? Now, I ask you ~ WHO?!

Happy reading, as the kidz say...


(From Frank Rich's column, today)

Secularists, Jews, mainline Protestants and all the other grinches failed utterly to take Kriss Kringle down. Except at those megachurches that canceled services today rather than impede their flocks' giving and gorging, Christmas is alive and well everywhere in America. Last night NBC even rolled the dice and broadcast "It's a Wonderful Life" in prime time. With courage reminiscent of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's defiance of Stalin, the network steadfastly refused to redub the final scene's cries of "Merry Christmas!" with the godless "Happy holidays!"

As Michelle Goldberg wrote last month in her definitive debunking for Salon, there was in fact no war on Christmas, but rather "a burgeoning myth of a war on Christmas." Most of the grievances cited by Christmas's whiniest protectors - red and green banned from residents' wardrobes in Michigan, "Silent Night" censored in Wisconsin - were either anomalous idiocies or suburban legends. The calls for boycotts against chain stores with heathen holiday trees lost their zing when it turned out that even George and Laura Bush's Christmas card had called for a happy "holiday season."

Entire Frank Rich column, "I Saw Jackie Mason Kissing Santa Claus" (requires TimesSelect)

Copyright 2005, The New York Times Co. All rights reserved


Oh, how I hope John Fibson and every talking head at Faux Snewz chokes on their egg nog today!

And a Merry UnChristmas to All You UnChristians

thanx 4 the pic, Val


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