Looking Forward to This Year's State of DysFunction Address
Gosh, it seems like just a year ago when The Boy reported to Congress and the American people on the state of the union. Today, as we watch the same, tired techniques of equating dissent with treason, co-opting programs they've done their best to kill for years, and working ever so hard to bolster those polls before Ken Lay goes to trial and Jack Abramoff gives up the goods, the Supreme Court reviews Tom DeCay's second round of gerrymandering in Texas, the effects of leaving Sharon to unilaterally decide the fate of the "road map to peace," only to have a major stroke, followed by the surprising Hamas victory in the Palestinian territories, oil and gas pipelines blowing up in Georgia during one of its coldest winters, Iran thumbing its nose at us, and all of the "progress" we've made dealing with North Korea, you remember, part of the "Axis of Evil" that came out of the blue during a previous State of the Union address...well, I can't help but take a look back at last year's Address and have a looksee at how many proposals have come to fruition since then:
Last year's post on Wubya's Address
One of my favorite, forgotten programs was the Laura Bush, GangBuster! program BoyGeorge put forth last year. Thank goodness we've solved THAT problem!
And I know we're all just as pleased as punch that our pwezeedent has lived up to his famous quote last year:
"The United States has no right, no desire, and no intention to impose our form of government on anyone else."
Yessir, and it's so heartwarming to see how the Drugstore Cowboy has reformed Social Security, the centerpiece of his second term. Hell, look at the beautiful job he and Congress did with the Medicare prescription bill! I don't think you can call that a mess, when only two dozen or so states had to pass emergency bills to make sure poor people didn't die because the federal bill, written by lobbyists most likely, just didn't seem to address their needs. No, it seems it was more important to add a new layer of bureaucracy that won't even allow for competition in purchasing bulk amounts of drugs from the drug companies. Wow, such innovation!
About the only thing that's come true since last year's Address is the state of the Judiciary. He wanted pro-life, executive branch-friendly, who gives a shit about checks and balances judges ~ and he damn well got 'em! Yippee! I can't wait to see how the Supremes behave for the next 25 years.
And so, dear readers, if, like me, you have a tough time even looking at that scrunched up mouth and that kindergarten teacher's approach to public speaking, you can count on me to download his Address from the official site, and bloviate over the BlowHard's Big Picture for 2006. Maybe this year Laura can have a sit down with all the major meth lab bigwigs in the country, and convince them to just say "no" to meth and "yes" to Pell Grants! Oops ~ we might have an itty bitty problem with funding these poor, unfortunate souls. Oh well, at least they're still livin' large on K Street.