A Heathen's Perspective

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Location: Austin, Texas, United States

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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Again, Let the Radical Republicans Dig Their Own Hole

Frist and the nuclear option. Cornholyn and the Real ID Act. DeLay, the Ethics Committee, and Ronnie Earle's investigation in Travis County. The nationalization of the "No Child, Except Those Who Hurt Our Graduation 'Figures' Left Behind Act."
And many more pet issues of the radical right ReThugs' long-held agenda intended to punish the poor, squeeze and make impotent the middle class, dismantle Social Security, and through Frist's nuclear option, open the door to up or down votes on the re-nominated federal judges, thus preparing for an easy procedure to pack the Supreme Court as the Supremes begin retiring.

As hideous as all these scenarios look, I see a possible rebellion of the States, for example Utah, who seems willing to turn its back on "No Child" in order to stop the teaching of tests and forged graduation rates while giving up federal funding in the face of no evidence that preparation for college has improved under the new approach. In fact, the underlying strategy behind "No Child" may indeed be an attempt to break the teachers' unions, promote vouchers and private tutoring companies with no regulatory oversight. What does this mean for the future?


The rebellion of the States is a most promising development in the ongoing struggle for common sense on the ground with communities grappling to salvage what has always been their right to govern, along with county and city governments, their own school districts, drivers license regulations, school curriculums, and even control over voting procedures. The computerized privatization of voting is a direct threat to States' rights to control voting procedures in their own precincts. All of this, in my judgment, is fertile ground for a growing rebellion of State governments, standing up to the overreaching power grab of the one Party control of the executive and congressional branches of federal government, now trying to politicize the judiciary, destroy the Senate's historical role as a reflective body holding the House back from a fevered cave-in to mob mentality majority manhandling of the country's legislative decision making.

So let the suckers overreach. Let them pass this long-awaited list of UnAmerican grab-ass for the radical right's conservative, Charismatic Christians' vision of "values" and the "culture of life." As we head for 2006, if the Democrats will do their job of fighting these Bills and educating the public, and if honest advocates for the rights of citizens make enough noise, the mid-term elections should backfire on these short-sighted bellowing blowhards who believe in unbelievable deficits, tax cuts for the rich, unprecedented expenses for a war without end in Iraq, and the further destabilization of foreign relationships, from Russia's help for Syria, the Palestinians, and Iran, not to mention China's clever play to undercut our manufacturing base, along with the outsourcing and offshore corporate tax dodges.

As the chickens come home to roost, and foreign governments take action to protect themselves from American domination, our weakened position in the world coupled with bizarre and unnecessary legislation at home focused on the right's pet issues may indeed bring about a States' Rebellion against the federal government on many issues. Without a strong public reaction, outside of the
Schiavo case and Social Security, only the States can cause real trouble for the Bush agenda. So let the games begin. Take this lame duck and stop him in his tracks. Pay attention to home constituents, and break ranks in order to get re-elected. Show us the power of moderation in the face of these overconfident "lawmakers" and let the States tell the feds to go to Hell. I see no other alternative to stopping these zealots. But stop them we must, State by State, issue by issue, working poor and middle class against the absurd expenses of war coupled with wealthy tax cuts, ungodly deficits, and dangerous foreign policy. Otherwise, we stand the chance of simply giving up power to a monolithic one-Party government that rules the diversity of America with the myopic "vision" of 1950's attitudes and Charismatic Christian oppression. Let 'em continue to show their ass, and stand up to them, State by State. That, along with the upcoming elections, seem to be the only hope to put the fear of "God" into these morons' minds. And fear for their own survival is the best tool to force compromise in the face of tyranny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a post...also very educational, I learned a lot! Time to raise some hell! CV

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

terrific post monk! reminds me of the idea to vote independent or un neocon at the local level on up, but start at the local...the root of government.

however, i thought the states were not doing much about this because if they bucked the government they'd lose their federal funding? how does this fit into the fray?

do you think it might lead to cessation? peace, buttwheat :O)

6:11 AM  
Blogger The Heathen Monk said...


No, I'm not too worried about federal funding, because the great majority of school funding comes from the States and local property taxes. Also, a current Bill shortchanges the States on highway construction, and that can't help matters. As far as seceding goes, that's highly unlikely, but a States' Rebellion against federal corruption is a good way to protest the steamrolling by the one Party rule we now have to live with. And should they rebel, their Representatives and Senators will have to answer to their constituents. That's my hope anyway...


8:53 AM  
Blogger The Heathen Monk said...

Deleted accidental double post by my secret lover, Val...

2:22 AM  
Blogger CJV said...

Oh, so naughty!

2:27 PM  

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