A Heathen's Perspective

From politics to media, from music to spiritual matters, and from obscure issues to the latest hot button topics, comes the blabber from a true heathen, without regard to the breaking wind of socially-acceptable attitudes, yet with an almost sacred devotion to humor in the face of today's polarized, shout-down-your-opponents climate of fear and intimidation. Original content is copyright 2001-2006, The Heathen Monk. All rights reserved.

Location: Austin, Texas, United States

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Monday, January 31, 2005

A Private Housewarming

Searching for a place in the shade to take a break from a bad or busy day? Then perhaps you've come to the right entry, if you're inclined to peek in on another human being's snapshot of a day in the life of his sister. It doesn't matter whose sister, or whose brother I'm talking about. Simply picture a younger brother who was so impressed with his sister's hard work placing her personal stamp on her new home, that he did what he always does for loved ones, friends and family alike. He wrote a personal piece tailored expressly for her and her alone. Call it a poem if you like. I call anything I write in verse that's not intended to be, or doesn't grow up to become a set of lyrics, a "discussion." A good example, if you're curious, is "The Show." But today's entry is a personal certificate of love and respect for an older sister, captured shortly after my first visit to her warm and inviting home. The personal details of our relationship are best considered unimportant to the reader. And there's nothing profound here. It's simply an invitation to draw from your own field of memories as you read on, in hopes that an interesting or heartfelt emotion comes your way before you head back to "meat space" (as the kidz say)...


A Private Housewarming

I am a child
A child with gifts,
Gifts scorned and unrecognized
By both sides of the Coin
From which I was made.

Spat upon
With vicious, eager accuracy,
Ignored by a civil servant with tunnel vision.

These gifts have survived
And so have I.

As I wipe the spittle from my heart
And bellow inappropriately
So as not to be ignored by the Ignorant,

I remember

I rediscover

The living witness
Whose gifts too, went unnoticed.

And I rejoice
When she defends me.

And I remember singing ourselves to sleep.

I was not alone
My sister was there.

She is here now.
She has a home in me,
And you are now in her home.
So please wipe your soles
Before entering my sister's home,
And check your hats and coats
With a civil tongue
And a hint of hilarity.

Brag and Gush
As she conducts The Grand Tour ~
(do this until she is ever so slightly embarrassed)

And as the wine loosens the spirit
Give her the gift
Of giving you
An evening to remember, fondly.

For she too was spat upon
And ignored.
And like me, her brother,
She and her gifts have also survived.


You were invited to this home
Not to invade her world,
But to celebrate her freedom
From the Curse of the Coin.
Copyright 1994, Jackie (the brat). All rights reserved. Copyright assigned to The Human Trust, 2005.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very nice, bud

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, a sister and brother did survive. No spittal before or after can put out a fire of talent and brilliance as intense as yours. This writing contains so much more....best I've read. ML

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's beautiful, Heathen.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a delicious array of thoughts. some sad, some bad, and some glad.

as an older sister myself, who has a younger brother who writes poetry/and such to me on special occassions, i want to say that i really appreciate the thoughts present in the words my younger brother writes.

representing the older sister group, i must admit that our younger brothers are very special, in deed. and to have one that expresses so eloquently in clumps of words is beyond exquisite. hugs, b.

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:56 PM  

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